What is Hepatoblastoma?
Our daughter, Destiny was diagnosed with Hepatoblastoma, a rare liver childhood cancer occurring in 1 out of million children. It was later discovered after being resistant to chemotherapy that her liver cancer may have been Hepatocellular neoplasm not otherwise specified. This liver cancer is even more rare occurring in 1 out of 2 million children. There is very little research on this variation of Hepatoblastoma. Displaying characteristics of Hepatoblastoma and Hepatocellular carcinoma, it is still treated like Hepatoblastoma.
Swollen abdomen
Weight loss
Abdominal pain
May experience acute should pain
Pale skin
What causes Hepatoblastoma?
It is unknown what exactly causes the childhood liver cancer. But studies have shown that children who are born prematurely, have a low birth weight, and or have a genetic disorder are at a higher risk of being diagnosed with Hepatoblastoma.
How is Hepatoblastoma treated?
Hepatoblastoma is treated with chemotherapy and liver transplant, or liver resection surgery.
Childhood Liver Cancer Facts Sources

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Destiny’s faith in God changed peoples lives nation and worldwide through her journey. She never gave up and fought to the end of her life here on earth.
Now we must continue her fight. Her legacy will live on through Destiny StrongER and all those who continue to love and support her. We will continue to fight the good fight assisting families of children battling childhood cancer and aiding in further research of the rare childhood liver cancer, hepatoblastoma.
About Destiny
On, September 17, 2020 our beautiful 9 year old Daughter, Destiny Arianna Kay Riekeberg, met her Destiny as she lost her 8 month battle to a rare liver cancer, hepatoblastoma.
Life before cancer was a life lived to the fullest for our Daughter. Destiny excelled in competition dance, cheer, softball and she loved her tik tok dances. She strived to be the best in everything she pursued. And she did just that! She was always 10 steps ahead of everyone taking life by storm. She certainly marched to the beat of her own drum and forged a path toward greatness throughout her short 9 years. Destiny was a force and she was certainly “1 in a million”which was unfortunately the rate in which her rare cancer occurred.

About Destiny
On, September 17, 2020 our beautiful 9 year old Daughter, Destiny Arianna Kay Riekeberg, met her Destiny as she lost her 8 month battle to a rare liver cancer, hepatoblastoma.
Life before cancer was a life lived to the fullest for our Daughter. Destiny excelled in competition dance, cheer, softball and she loved her tik tok dances. She strived to be the best in everything she pursued. And she did just that! She was always 10 steps ahead of everyone taking life by storm. She certainly marched to the beat of her own drum and forged a path toward greatness throughout her short 9 years. Destiny was a force and she was certainly “1 in a million”which was unfortunately the rate in which her rare cancer occurred.